Brian Mulroney gives Stephen Harper piece of his mind

“When Canada, for the first time in our history, loses a vote at the United Nations to become a member of the Security Council . . . to Portugal, which was on the verge of bankruptcy at the time, you should look in the mirror and say: ‘Houston, I think we have a problem.’”

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Bill C-51: What Did We Learn About the Government’s Intentions from the Clause-by-Clause – National Security Law Blog –

“1. Powers will allow CSIS to breach law or the Charter, with warrant domestically

At issue is proposed s.12.1(3): “The Service shall not take measures to reduce a threat to the security of Canada if those measures will contravene a right or freedom guaranteed by the Canadian Charter
of Rights and Freedoms or will be contrary to other Canadian law, unless the Service
is authorized to take them by a warrant issued under section 21.1″(emphasis added).”

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House of Commons passes controversial anti-terror bill

House of Commons passes controversial anti-terror bill

allowing federal spies to seek judicial warrants to knowingly break the law or breach the Charter of Rights” from the Ottawa Citizen.

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